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85 - 87   Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT
Master of Fine Arts in Painting, 1987
81 - 85   Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting, 1985
80 - 81   MBTA / Educational Training Program,Boston, MA
Certificate in Architecture and Environmental Design

Selected Solo Exhibitions
18   Chinese American Arts Council, New York, NY


12   Dik Liu, Eden Rock Gallery, St. Barts
06   Allen Sheppard Gallery, New York, NY
04   Allen Sheppard Gallery, New York, NY
01   Allen Sheppard Gallery, New York, NY
95   "In Liu of Mondrian," Art Moving, Brooklyn, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions
16   Small Work Invitational, Blue Mountain Gallery, New York, NY
15   Take Home a Nude, Sotheby's Auction, New York, NY
15   NYAA Summer Exhibition, Flowers Gallery, New York, NY
15   Small Work Invitational, Blue Mountain Gallery, New York, NY
14   St. Botolph Club, Boston, MA
14   Take Home a Nude, Sotheby's Auction, New York, NY
14   Tribeca Ball, New York, NY
13   NYAA Summer Exhibition, Allegra LaViola Gallery, New York, NY
13   Artist Residency Program of New York, Brooklyn, NY
13   Take Home a Nude, New York, NY
13   NYAA Summer Exhibition, Flowers Gallery, New York, NY
12   Take Home a Nude, NY
12   Galvanized Truth: A Tribute to George Nick, “Galvanized Truth: A Tribute to George Nick,”  The Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
12   Toylanders, The Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, NJ
11   Shipped & Shaped, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg VA
10   Small Works Invitational, The Painting Center, New York, NY
09   Appetizing Pictures, Hudson Guild, New York, NY
08   The Art of Seeing, Allen Sheppard Gallery, New York, NY
05   The Exchange, The Art Faculty of Fairleigh Dickinson University and Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
03   Parallels of Perception, The Matthew Travis Gallery, Houston, TX
02   George Nick selects Paintings, Concord Art Association, Concord, MA
00   Three Person Show, Galerie GEE'71, The Netherlands
00   Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
99   Faculty Show, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
98   Group Show, Juried by Ed Thorp, First Street Gallery, New York, NY,
97   Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY  
96   "Faculty Small Works Show,” Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
95   Curator, "From the Dragon's Cloud," Tweed Gallery, Mayor's Office of the City of New York
95   "In Liu of Mondrian," Art Moving, Brooklyn, NY
93   "Flesh and Blood: David Ambrose and Dik Liu," Pennsylvania School of Art and Design, Lancaster, PA
93   "The Naming of the Colors," White Columns Gallery, New York, NY
93   "Mayor Medical: Invasive Procedures of Contemporary Art," C ity Without Walls, Newark, NJ
91   Three Person show, Berland Hall Gallery, New York, NY
90   "Faculty Small Works Show,” Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
89   "China: June 4 ... 1989," BlumHelman Warehouse, New York, NY
87   "M.F.A. Thesis Show," Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT


10 – present   New York Academy of Art
Adjunct Faculty, MFA Program
09- present   Pratt Institute
Visiting Associate Professor, Foundation Department

97 – present   Long Island University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Art, Bridge Program.
01 – present   Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
Adjunct Instructor, Fine Art Department and Precollege Programs.
88 – present   Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
PT Associate Teaching Professor

85 – 87   Yale University School of Art Tuition Scholarship
86   J.R. Dilworth Grant to Yale University
81   M.I.T. Scholarship to Massachusetts College of Art
81   Boston Globe Scholastic Arts Award

Reference available upon request

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